I was born in 1955 so I’m a baby boomer. Not one of those know-it-alls who needs to hear okay boomer. I’m not too old and jaded to be amazed by the universe. I was raised in Ft. Wayne Indiana. A town everyone has been through but no one remembers. It was cold and gray there so I moved to Wyoming to work on the oil rigs but ended up on a cattle ranch. (Ranch life is revealed in Rickrack). It started to snow in August, so once again I was driven by the weather- this time south. Stopped in Phoenix and fell in love with Arizona.

I realized my life had been as shallow as the Platte River (A mile wide and an inch deep). Found a list of fifty must read classics and read them all. (From the sacred- the Bible, to the wonderfully profane- Gargantua and Pantagruel). For a year, I read and wrote. Had a profound experience meeting the presence of God. Came out of that year with a deeper understanding of life and a stack of hand written journals a foot and a half high.

I enrolled in ASU, got married, had wonderful sons, worked in the printing industry then once again feeling my life needed more meaning, began teaching special education. Got divorced and married again which worked much better.

I love to write and love encouraging others to be creative too. Someone once said about my writing: “I figured if you could write that nasty graphic shit, so could I.” I was honored to have inspired others.

I’m a runner, a vegetarian (after just one trip to a slaughter house) and a bleeding-heart liberal so I’m incredibly self-righteous and annoying.